More Than a Pedicure
A podiatric provider will meet with you and conduct an ankle and foot examination, provide healthcare counseling about your foot health, review your medications, and perform foot care.
Typical Visit Includes
- Discussing your most pressing concern, goals of care, medication history, medical history, current active problems, current Primary care provider and contact information.
- Examine your foot: Dermatology assessment: Inspection of your skin. Musculoskeletal assessment: Observe gait for able body patients. For non-ambulatory patients will observe if foot is properly supported on the bed or wheelchair to prevent skin breakdown. Feel and palpate the joints and bones of the foot. Neurological assessment to include 10-g monofilament testing, vibratory sensation using 128hz tuning fork. Vascular assessment: Palpate foot pulses and perform Doppler or ABI testing if indicated.
- Trim, debride, cut toenails or trim calluses or corns.
- Apply emollients that are provided by the patient.
- Individualized health education and coaching is discussed with patient, family members or caregivers.
- Progress (visit) note is sent to PCP
As part of your foot health plan, our podiatric provider will refer you to specialists for higher level of care in the event your assessment reveals concerning findings. Common specialists that we refer to include: vascular surgeon, dermatologist, wound clinic and/or podiatrist for in office procedures/surgical consultations.

Prices below are effective starting 2/1/2025.
Toenail Trimming Services
Service | Service Description | Price |
Toenails #1 | Trimming of thin and healthy appearing toenails, up to 10 nails. This service will include filing of toenails, removal of debris from underneath nails, cleaning of the feet and application of bacitracin to the toes. Completing your service with our proprietary shea butter massaged into the feet. | $150.00 |
Toenails #2 | Trimming of 5 thick toenails or less, up to 10 nails. This service will include filing and thinning of thick toenails, removal of debris from underneath nail, cleaning of the feet and application of bacitracin to the toes. Completing your service with our proprietary shea butter massaged into the feet. | $180.00 |
Toenails #3 | Trimming of 6 thick toenails or more, up to 10 nails. This service will include filing and thinning of thick toenails, removal of debris from underneath nails, cleaning of the feet and application of bacitracin to the toes. Completing your service with our proprietary shea butter massaged into the feet. | $200.00 |
ADD ON — Toenails and Callus Shaving | Trimming and/or thinning of toenails (any of the 3 services above) add on callus shaving and care. Add-on pricing starts at $40.00. This is an add-on service when toenail trimming service is booked. See separate pricing below for callus only care. | Starting at $40.00 |
ADD ON – Fingernail trimming | Trimming and filing of fingernails. | $10.00 |
Callus and Corn Services
Service | Service Description | Price |
1 Callus | Shaving of 1 callus. | $150.00 |
2-3 Callus | Shaving of 2-3 callus. | $175.00 |
4 or More Callus | Shaving of 4 or more callus | $250.00 |
Office and Home Visit Services
Type of Visit | Description | Price |
Initial Consult | Evaluate skin, musculoskeletal, and vascular status of the feet. Make treatment recommendations for identified foot conditions. Order referrals for physical therapy, VNA Services if needed. | $200.00 |
Follow Up Visit | Evaluate, review and discuss previous treatment plans from the initial visit. | $175.00 |
Travel Fee Within Radius |
This add-on is for patients looking for a home visit. For towns covered, see attached document on page 5. | $50.00 |
Travel Fee Outside Radius |
This add-on is for patients looking for a home visit. For towns not covered on page 5, please call and inquire about the travel fee amount. | $75.00+ |
Wart Removal Services
Service | Service Description | Price |
Swift, Wart Removal | Wart Removal, less than 14 using microwave therapy. Includes evaluation of the skin and removal of the lesion(s). Recommended: 3 services minimum or until wart tissues are resolved. Follow up visits every 4 weeks. | $160.00 |
Swift, Wart Removal | Wart Removal, more than 15 using microwave therapy. Includes evaluation of the skin and removal of the lesions. Recommended: 3 services minimum or until wart tissues is resolved. Follow up visits every 4 weeks. | $180.00 |
Liquid Nitrogen (Freeze) | Wart Removal, less than 14 using Liquid Nitrogen. Includes evaluation of the skin and removal of the lesions. Recommended: Bi-weekly visits until wart tissues are resolved. | $145.00 |
Liquid Nitrogen (Freeze) | Wart Removal, more than 15 using Liquid Nitrogen. Includes evaluation of the skin and removal of the lesions. Recommended: Bi-weekly visits until wart tissues are resolved. | $165.00 |
Toe/Feet Procedure and Wound Care
Service | Service Description | Price |
Wound Care Initial Consultation | Evaluate wounds and recommend treatment to aid in wound healing. Send referrals to visiting nurses for patients who are unable to manage wounds at home. Coordinate care with your primary care doctor and VNA agency as needed. Refer to wound care facilities if wound too large to manage at home. Dispense initial wound supplies. | $150.00 |
Wound Care Follow up Consult | Book after the initial visit only. This is to evaluate the healing status of wounds. Offer wound supplies if needed. | $90.00 |
Foot Pain Evaluation | Evaluate toe or foot pain. Make referrals to other providers as needed. | See price for office or home visit |
Athlete’s foot treatment w/Gentian Violet | Evaluate skin to determine the best treatment recommendation. Apply Gentian Violet treatment if desired. | See price for office or home visit |
Cellulitis/Infection of toe or Foot | Evaluate skin infection. Prescribe antibiotics if needed. | See price for office or home visit |
Ingrown toenail Removal (one) | Includes evaluation of ingrowing toenail, prescribe any antibiotics if needed, supplies for dressing changes for 10 days. | $225.00 |
Ingrown Toenail Removal (additional toe) | Add on, performed same day as ingrown toenail removal service. | $50.00 |
Ingrown toenail removal Follow up | To evaluate if procedure site is healing well. Make any dressing change recommendations. Prescribe antibiotics if you develop an infection. Dispense additional dressings if needed | $175.00 |
Service | Service Description | Price |
Cuticle Oil | Add on Cuticle Oil | $5.00 |
Cracked Heel Treatment | Add on Cracked Heel Treatment | $50.00 |
Nail Polish Removal | Add On Nail Polish Removal | $5.00 |
Ear Wax Removal | Removal of ear wax from both ears. | $40.00 |